Tuesday 27 November 2012

A million dollar Smile

You can take away everything, but my Smile... Her father sells baloons, red, green and blue ones; by the sector 18 traffic signal. Her mother, works as a rag-picker. For now she has just one job, to take care of her younger brother and herself, while her parents work. Ignored by the society, and by the gods, She still refuses to stop smiling...


  1. Beautiful, she is brimming with joy and life despite her circumstances. Out of interest, do you give a little money if you take pictures of street children and people? I'm never sure how to handle these situations so usually avoid taking such pictures so I neither offend nor get mobbed by others wanting to make a little from the lady with the expensive camera.

    1. I never give them money, but do buy them food. The trick is to not be seen/noticed doing so, because like you said chances are, u will get mobbed :). Also, be prepared for a few questions from absolute strangers who have no business with you, or your subject. Example - Aap Press mein hain kya (Do you work for some new paper?) ... :D

  2. Thank you for the suggestion. Food works for me. I might start packing a stack of tasty snacks along with my camera.
